My New Year's Resolution: Letting Go

This year for New Year's, I'm so tempted to make another resolution about losing weight, getting my finances in order, finally running that marathon, painting more, or truly taking up cooking.  Instead, my New Year's Resolution is to continue a promise I made myself back in May and live my life on purpose.

I'm giving myself the resolution of letting go.  Letting go of all the expectations that people have for me.  Letting go of the typical midwestern life that one should have at 28.  Letting go of the societal pressures to stick to the mold.  Letting go of the things that don’t bring me happiness and contentment.  

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GYSTS: Purging with Purpose

Today's post is the first installment of a weekly series, GYSTS, or "Get Your Shit Together Sunday." Each week, we'll tackle some process or project that simplifies and organizes our lives and yours. Together, we will get our shit, well, together!

To put us in the right frame of mind, and because my husband sent it to me this week as a not-so-subtle hint, I'd encourage you to glance over these stats on the state of American consumerism and compulsive accumulation. Pretty cringe-y, huh?

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